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India - contacting media. By Immanuel

Kostya: ImmanuelN Your idea is good in writing to the news paper.. let me be very frank with you regarding India's journalism and journalists..If we inform them, in the beginning they won't give any good response..And there are lot of multi medias with new technologies in all over India especially south and west(Mumbai) with instant updates...so ,we can't satisfy them with our Android stuff..here in India only one person in hundreds are using iOS.. In my point of view we can write to magazines about our SU application with some AR stuffs..The article must have a quality content which will be meaningful..There are lot of technology magazines and business magazines..They might consider our application for sure.. And also my better idea is, there are lot of AR,VR & MR training institutes in India..we can write to them about our SU application..they will surely download and make use of our application and will be spreaded..and they might use our application also to educate themselves and our application will be their guide for their studies...They will really feel excitement with our iOS SU application..because, iOS SU application is really the greatest one. Then automatically we will have good effect from people that they will also spread to everyone of their friends about SU application for education purpose they will use.. Most of our customers will be youngsters only in India..because, in India minor folks , teenagers and youngsters play main role with technologies.. If we attract them then we can make it viral.. If teenagers and youngsters get attracted with it then definitely parents will notice what it is.. Simple marketing strategy..we can make it viral.. And regarding the article about our SU application must have good quality content..for getting good quality content about our application ,we can have good discussions and some valid points from all..we can gather all those points and add in article then we submit it to the magazines...It's applicable to all countries after that TV medias will be in queue to get the appointment from us for the shows...

Ответов - 3

Kostya: Kostyaadmin 1. When I talk about writing to newspapers I mean - getting in touch with local news media that may be interested in reporting on our Art Installation. The only way we can attract them - is by choosing unusual 3D model and interesting date. If the model + the date create bright and unusual combination then the journalists might come and report on our Art Installation. We are just beginning, so let's try. thank you for voicing these interesting views and ideas! 2. "technology magazines and business magazines" - This sounds like another project. Would be nice if we had a team for this project. Would you like to develop this projects for us? 3. "there are lot of AR,VR & MR training institutes in India..we can write to them" - This sounds like another projects (or another part of project). How can we start it? 1. Give us a list of 5 such Institutes. 2. Give us an outline of our message to these Institutes. 3. Suggest how much should we pay in SPH for contacting one Institute. 4. Suggest a bonus for getting a response from one Institute.

Kostya: ImmanuelN Thanks for your compliment and reviews on my statement..I actually contacted the local YouTube media people on October 2018 itself to make them to promote our project..Here is the chat of me talked with them through WhatsApp..Two of them are the youtubers and friends of mine.They neglected it and told me that they are busy with some others project for now and see later on , Which means they royally refused it..I contacted Mr.Nicholas Marten from Datadash YouTube channel some twenty days before through E-mail and I got reply from Mr.Jeff Marten who's the Datadash Executive Director of that channel and he said that our proposal is on Mr.Nick's table.. I waited for a week and I got Mr.Nick through telegram group and messaged him about our project and he used to check whatever I have sent.but,He didn't reply back.. Instead of believing them, i asked in Kos to start an international Hollywood quality YT channel for us by the help of Mr.Dryden and Mr.Jason..Because, the voice of Dryden is excellent and the video creating work of Mr.Jason is awesome.Thats why I suggested two of them in Kos.. In regards of writing the article to the magazine media , I can do from India and I'm happy to do that.But,I need a good quality content of our project mainly about our SU application (iOS).. And about the institutions,give me some time.I will search and choose some best from my country and more than that we can choose all most all the Institutions if possible and if you agree. And We the all country leaders can execute this idea in their places.So , we need a common article which has an international quality with great and correct royal English grammar and good AR related technical terms in it.We can discuss in project office for adding some points to the article and Mr.Dryden is the SU news Editor.So.,He might help us to do that. And Sir,You are so much productive and very much professional too..That's a great thing..but.,It's sometime needed to have a good smile and a blasting laugh to maintain good relationship and best cooperation from all..It's my humble opinion and thanks for giving me the freedom of speech..

Kostya: Kostya It would be nice to have a team that would be doing reaching out to different institutions. Proposing Art Installations to Art Galleries and even to Red Cross Society, etc. You began writing about something like that. We can grow it bigger and it might become a well-paid project for you. ImmanuelN Sure...I'll engage myself with this for sure.. Kostya give me a plan of actions

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