Форум » Reports on bought Spaces - Отчеты про купленные спейсы » Sebastian Parra » Ответить

Sebastian Parra


Ответов - 4

saparra: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/196kqQeX9M0eIsTjOn1fIRFZZAE_XdgPgiBWL-xJVBXM/edit?usp=sharing

Kostya: Sebastian Parra https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/196kqQeX9M0eIsTjOn1fIRFZZAE_XdgPgiBWL-xJVBXM/edit?usp=sharing Google Docs BPF - Sebastian Parra/Argentina - Report 01 Hoja 1 BEST PLACES FUNDATION SEBASTIAN PARRA- ARGENTINA OVERVIEW Q, Total SPH, PRICE, COUNTRY, CITY, LOCATION, REASON 85, 17000, 200, Argentina,... Danilo Berardi :+1: Sebastian Parra 5 weekly questions to the BSFoundation managers: 1. What country you live in? - Argentina 2. Describe what kind of spaces you buy. Give short description. I have two buying strategies: 1- Low-priced spaces that due to their safe location will increase their value. This strategy allows me to buy many spaces with few SPH, knowing that surely in the short term at least double their value. 2 - Spaces with a lot of people and important commercial activity such as main avenues, convention centres, theatres, cinemas, public parks, squares, beaches, shopping centres, universities, schools, temples. 3. Prices of the Spaces you buy. 50 - 8000 4. Who will be interested in putting ads of other stuff at these Spaces? Major brands, local businesses, governments, political parties, artists who want to exhibit their works of art, game companies who want to develop commercial games. 5. Who is your audience at these Spaces? What do you expect from these Spaces? The public is varied because the type of spaces I buy are varied, each space is aimed at a specific audience and a specific strategy. Having spaces on the beach line is aimed at the public that takes their holidays on the coast, many big brands do their summer campaigns on the beaches, my strategy in that case is to offer them spaces for their new campaigns in 2020.

saparra: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/196kqQeX9M0eIsTjOn1fIRFZZAE_XdgPgiBWL-xJVBXM/edit?usp=sharing

saparra: 5 weekly questions to the BSFoundation managers: Week 3 1. What country you live in? - Argentina 2. Describe what kind of spaces you buy. Give short description. I bought all high value spaces for their unique location and ideal for high profile economic tourism in major European cities such as Paris, Rome, Venice and Monaco. 3. Prices of the Spaces you buy. 200 - 8000 4. Who will be interested in putting ads of other stuff at these Spaces? These spaces are recommended for hotels, restaurants, tourism agencies, businesses that depend on tourism and even for signaling tourist spaces to visit. 5. Who is your audience at these Spaces? What do you expect from these Spaces? The main audience of these spaces are high profile economic tourists. I expect a good return from these spaces since those who want to advertise there can spend good sums of money to see their products and services.

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